The O has a long O sound, as in spoke and woke.
No, "plain" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel "a" in "plain" is pronounced as a short vowel sound.
Yes, the word "golden" has a long vowel sound in the first syllable ("go"). The spelling pattern for this long "o" sound is often found in words where the vowel is followed by a single consonant and then an "e" (such as "globe" or "broke").
Yes, block has a short "o" sound. "Broke" has a long "o" sound.
No, "eat" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel sound in "eat" is a short vowel sound.
Does Profile, have a long vowel sound or short vowel sound
No because it uses a log vowel sound
It has a long vowel sound.
The word "sail" has a long vowel sound. The vowel "a" in "sail" says its name, making it a long vowel sound.
"Pay" has a long vowel sound.
No, "dim" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel sound in "dim" is a short i sound.
No, "gave" does not have a long vowel sound. The "a" in "gave" is pronounced with a short vowel sound as in "cat."