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'verklempt' also 'ferklempt' is Yiddish for 'overcome with emotion'.

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Q: How do you spell 'preclempt' which i believe is an idiom meaning to be excited or nervous speechless as in She was pre-clempt with emotion after he said she was beautiful.?
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What does speechless and effortless mean?

Speechless means unable to speak due to surprise, shock, or strong emotion. Effortless means requiring little to no effort or difficulty.

What does an exclamatory sentence look like?

An exclamatory sentence shows strong emotion or excitement and usually ends with an exclamation mark. For example, "What a beautiful sunrise!" or "I can't believe it!"

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Is emotions an essential requisite in appreciating what is good and beautiful in life?

ABSOLUTELY! Good and beautiful are appreciated ultimately by emotion. Reason may recognize harmony or discord, but reason doesn't care about it. Emotion cares about it. Caring, wanting, liking and disliking are all things that emotion does. Reason (i.e. logic and probability judgment) don't do those things. Common sense doesn't even do them; it just recognizes them when they are done.

What did montesquieu believe in?

he belived that we were moved too much by emotion and too little by reason

Did Aristotle believe in logical appeals or emotion?

Aristotle believed in a balance between logic and emotion. He felt that logic was required for strong and valid arguments. Emotions reinforced logical arguments.

Only human being have souls?

well i believe that most animals have souls too. if you believe in reincarnation then you may believe plants do too, but no not only humans. anything that has emotion has a soul.

How does the author show emotion in the poison ivy tree?

The Ivy tree itself is beautiful but it's what's inside that counts and in this case, it is poison!

What did the Egyptians believe the heart was used for on the afterlife?

The Egyptians thought the heart was the centre of intelligence and emotion. hope i helped you!! :P

How does music cause emotion?

Music is emotion. Music is just random sounds formed together to form a beautiful harmony. When you hear rock music you feel rocked. When you listen to romantic and slow songs you might think of someone. Music is our life; what would we do without music?

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What do you do when you are singing a solo?

You have to show emotion, you have to believe in the music and know it really well. Embrace it. Enjoy it. If you enjoy it, the audience should too.