I don't think there's such a word as iguanodosaurus. If you mean Giganotosaurus it's a type of dinosaur.
The Giganotosaurus is known as the (Giant Southern Lizard)
«How do you pronounce [word]»
Giganotosaurus weighed an incredible 9 tons(18,000 pounds)
"How do you pronounce the word ion?" The word 'ion' is pronounced i-on(I-oN)
pronounce the word as you see it - bet.
The prefix of the word "pronounce" is "pro-".
Giganotosaurus would have had no natural predators as it was the apex predator of it's habitat in Argentina.
The base word of "pronouncement" is "pronounce."
I think megalodon vs giganotosaurus will be released this summer.
You pronounce the word 'Kelvin' ak KEL-VIN