The name for certain whales, "cetacean" is pronounced "seh-TAY-shun" (more as "sit-AY-shun" than "citation")
84 living cetaceans (not extinct) though there are 7 extinct cetaceans
the answer is not "who" but actually "what are" Cetaceans are marine mammals
«How do you pronounce [word]»
Yes, by definition cetaceans are an order of mammals.
"How do you pronounce the word ion?" The word 'ion' is pronounced i-on(I-oN)
pronounce the word as you see it - bet.
The prefix of the word "pronounce" is "pro-".
The base word of "pronouncement" is "pronounce."
You pronounce the word 'Kelvin' ak KEL-VIN
How do you pronounce the Native American word techihhlia?