This is NOT an Arabic Name. Milad is a Persian Name meaning Birth. Different countries will pronounce this name in various ways. It is dependent on the way the "a" is pronounced.
Yahaira means to light, or to shine.
The Arabic name Imad is pronounced as "ee-maad".
We pronounce it (Muaan) not just simply maan and we should focus on the U I have added in it
It could be a female Muslim name. Pronounce in Arabic as Yasmin
AL sadaca is how you pronounce the Arabic word الصدق
The name Ayan means "bright, clear, or evident" in Arabic. It is pronounced as "ah-yahn."
John is not a name of Arabic origin, so it does not have any meaning in Arabic. The Arabic equivalent of John does exist, because of the translations of the Bible. The name of John in the New Testament is Yuhna - pronounce the "h" (ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ).
ثلج You pronounce it 'Thalj'