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plein air

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Q: How do you pronounce plein air in English?
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What is the French phrase 'plein air' in English?

"Open air" or "outdoor" are English equivalents of the French phrase "plein air."Specifically, the masculine adjective "plein" means "full." The masculine noun "air" is a cognate in French and English. The pronunciation is "pleh-nehr."

What does plein mean?

plein = full plein air = outdoors

What is plein-air paintings?

Plein-air painting is painting outside. It was first used (and given the name plein-air) by the French Impressionists. It is the same as open air painting.

What is the difference between the Plein Air Gallery and Plein Air Premier frames?

The outer edge boarder design and the colors they come in.

What is the french word for open air?

en plein air

What does Plein air mean?

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When was Musée de la Sculpture en Plein Air created?

Musée de la Sculpture en Plein Air was created in 1980.

What does the French word plein mean in English?

Plein, pleine means 'full' in English. Le verre est plein, la bouteille est pleine (the glass is full, the bottle is full). That can also mean 'lots / loads of'. Il y a plein de monde (there are lots of people).

How do you say full English in french?

plein, rempli. Je suis plein = I am full. Je suis rempli = I am stuffed.

What has the author Jacques Grenier written?

Jacques Grenier has written: 'Long sentier... petits portages' -- subject(s): Plein air, Loisirs de plein air

How do you say open air museum in french?

Musée de plein air

What is the name for painting not in a studio?

Outdoor painting or Plein air.