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Q: How do you pronounce paideia?
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When was The Paideia School created?

The Paideia School was created in 1971.

When was Queens Paideia School created?

Queens Paideia School was created in 2009.

When was The Paideia School of Tampa Bay created?

The Paideia School of Tampa Bay was created in 2005.

When was Jones Paideia Magnet School created?

Jones Paideia Magnet School was created in 1995.

What is the meaning of the word paideia?

Paideia (παιδεία) is the Greek word for education. It refers to the knowledge that any educated person should have -- the arts, literature, and politics.

What dictionary does the national spelling bee use?

Don't they use Paideia?

What has the author Werner Jaeger written?

Werner Jaeger has written: 'Paideia'

What has the author WERNER JEAGER written?


What actors and actresses appeared in Sacrifices - 2007?

The cast of Sacrifices - 2007 includes: Melissa Sue Shicks as Eurydice Matthew Vall as Paideia

What has the author Chare s Sakellariou written?

Chare s. Sakellariou has written: 'E paideia ste n antistase' 'To theatro te s Antistase s'

Explination of wikipedias name?

"Wiki" is from the Hawaiian word for "fast", first used in the context of a user-editable website by Ward Cunningham. "-pedia" is from "Encyclopedia". παιδεία (paideia) was the Greek word for "knowledge".

How do you count to 10 in dutch?

een (Pronounce: eyn) twee (Pronounce: twey) drie (Pronounce: dree) vier (Pronounce: veer) vijf (Pronounce: vive) zes (Pronounce: zes) zeven (Pronounce: zeyven acht (Pronounce: acht) negen (Pronounce:neygen) tien (Pronounce: teen)