The Chahta word nitushi (nita + ushi) is pronounced nee-toh-shee.
"Nita" (pronounced "needa") means bear in Choctaw. I am not sure how to say "little" though. To say "little" in Choctaw is "ushi," and "bear" is "nita." So you would combine it to make "nitushi," which means " little bear."
I want to know how to say grandfather in Choctaw
The Choctaw have many different words. The Choctaw word for rabbit is chukfi and this word now, also means sheep.
The Choctaw word for one is achoffa.
Choctaw word for red is 'Humma'.
The Choctaw word for small stream is "bayuk." The word "bayou" is derived from this Choctaw term.
Choctaw and Hebrew are two completely unrelated languages.The Hebrew word for grandmother is savta (סבתא)The Choctaw word for grandmother is pokni
The Choctaw word for heaven or heavenly is oba. The written Choctaw language is based upon English version of the Roman alphabet.
The Choctaw word for large or big is chito.
Yunnush or Yvnnvsh is Choctaw for Buffalo.
In the Choctaw language, the word for grandmother is "chisukchi."