The address of the Lahaina Public Library is: 680 Wharf St., Lahaina, 96761 1238
Lahaina Aloha was created in 1992.
The phone number of the Lahaina Public Library is: 808-662-3950.
The duration of Living Lahaina is 1260.0 seconds.
Living Lahaina was created on 2007-04-17.
Lahaina Harry has written: 'Rhyming in the rigging' -- subject(s): Sea poetry
The area of Lahaina Banyan Court Park is 7,850.901459456 square meters.
Living Lahaina - 2007 was released on: USA: 17 March 2007
780 Front St Lahaina, HI 96761-1582
The address of the Baldwin Home Museum is: 120 Dickenson St, Lahaina, HI 96761-1224
Get Out - 2003 Lahaina Hawaii 16-9 was released on: USA: 15 September 2011