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It is pronoucned [Z-a-lot]

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Q: How do you pronounce Zealot?
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When was Zealot - album - created?

Zealot - album - was created in 1994.

When was Zealot - EP - created?

Zealot - EP - was created in 1996.

How can you use zealot in a sentence?

He was called a zealot because of his devotion to her.

Simon the zealot in bronze bow?

Simon the Zealot is one of Jesus's twelve apostles, known for his fervent commitment to the Jewish cause and opposition to Roman rule. He is a character in the historical fiction novel "The Bronze Bow" by Elizabeth George Speare, which follows the story of a young Jewish boy named Daniel who becomes involved in the rebellion against Roman occupation in Judea. In the novel, Simon serves as a mentor figure to Daniel, guiding him in his journey of faith and resistance.

How do you write a sentence using the word zealot?

She wants everyone to become a vegetarian, she is quite a zealot about it.

What is a sentence with zealot in it?

Tough Glenn was devout, he was no zealot who tried to force his beliefs on friends. Who is Tough Glenn?

Was the disciple Simon Peter a zealot?

No he wasn't Simon Peter was a fisher and the he was known to be Peter. Simon was a zealot

When did Simon the zealot become a follower of Jesus?

In Luke 6: 12-16, after a night of prayer in the mountains that the next day he chose the twelve disciples whom he name apostles. And, Simon the Zealot was selected at that time.

How do you stop a zealot?

Call 911!

A chauvinist is an extreme what?

Zealot for his cause.

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Was Simon the zealot married?
