How do you pronounce Olbas Oil (h-ole + bus) or (h-ole + bas-tard)?
How do you pronounce Olbas Oil (h-ole + bus) or (h-ole + bas-tard)?
Olbas Oil or Eucalyptus oil.
It can cause rectal bleeding and blindness.
if you cut your skin and seep it into your bloodstream then set it on fire. Then yes, it will burn.
The decondestant effect of olbas among other thereputic oils occurs as a result of the water based blood in the inflamed nasal passages being repelled from the nodules and adenoids by the petrolium in the oil thus reducing the inflamation and allowing us to breath more freely.
Olbas oil is a brand name for a liquid decongestant usually inhaled to ease cold symptoms. It consists of essential plant oils such as cajuput, clove, eucalyptus, juniper berry, levomenthol, peppermint, and wintergreen. None of these should prove fatal unless one was to drink gallons of it.
Olbas oil is used instead of wrights coal tar fluid.
Your cat probably likes the oil because of the strong vapors in it. The ingredients in the oil include peppermint, eucalyptus, cajeput, wintergreen, juniper and clove.
Do you mean what are inhalents? They are gases that you inhale. Some could be drugs or medicene. Even olbas oil is an inhalent as it clears your nose
There shouldn't be any. You should know its for inhalation and external use on unbroken skin only. Make sure you read warnings on the side of the box though.
Yes, if you really really like extreme pain. Seriously? No. No you can't. You really can't. Don't even think about it.
Some cats may be sensitive to the strong scent of olbas oil and may avoid areas where it is present. However, it's not a guaranteed deterrent for all cats. If using olbas oil to deter cats, be cautious as some cats may not be bothered by the scent and it's important to ensure it is not causing any discomfort to the cat.