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The English equivalent of the Latin sentence 'Quod me nutrit me destruit' is the following: Whatever nourishes me destroys me. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'quod' means 'what'; 'me' means 'me'; 'nutrit' means '[it] nourishes, nurtures'; 'destruit' means '[it] destroys'. And the pronunciation is the following: Kwohd may NOO-triht may DEH-stroo-iht.

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Quode nutruit destruit translate into English?

Quod me nutrit me destruit : [what feeds me destroys me] quod te nutrit te destruit : [what feeds you destroys you] (one person] quod vos nutrit vos destruit: " " (more than one person)

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What does 'Quod me nutruit me destruit' mean?

The English equivalent of the sentence 'Quod me nutruit me destruit' is What nurtures me destroys me. In the word-by-word translation, the relative conjunction 'quod' means 'what'. The personal pronoun 'me' means 'me'. The verb 'nutruit' means '[he/she/it] nourishes, nurtures'. The verb 'destruit' means '[he/she/it] destroys'.

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When was Quod Financial created?

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What is 'quod semper'?

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