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More people were working and the economy was thriving

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Q: How did the social structure of village life change as the economy became more complex?
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How doid the social structure of village life change as the economy became more complex?

As the economy became more complex, village life often saw a shift towards a more stratified social structure. This may have led to the emergence of distinct social classes based on wealth or occupation, creating divisions within the community. New economic opportunities and roles could have also altered traditional family dynamics and community relationships.

How did social structure of village life change in Ur of Sumer as the economy became more complex?

As other special groups of workers formed, social classes with varying wealth, power and influence began to arise.

How the village became a city?

People who lived in the village built farms and houses. The village grew bigger and became a town and the town grew bigger and bigger and became a city.

What does a simple village complex village have in common?

A complex village is more advanced than a simple village. A complex village has public buildings, advanced technology, social classes, and much more. Social classes are groups of people who are skilled or talented of one work, such as potters, carpenters,weavers, engineers, etc. An average population of a regular complex village can have up to 5,000 people. Back ago, 5,000 people was a lot. It was also the beginning of the government system, that keeps Law and Order. A simple village has a much smaller population. They were not very advanced, so they had a less supply of skills. They though, have began to develop surpluses. They were also the beginning of agriculture. They use and build with Natural Resources.

Americans became more interested in foreign affairs in the late 1800s?

the economy became more connented to the world economy

How did a medieval village become a town?

A village became a town when it received a royal charter to have a permanent marketplace.

What was true about the economic boom after World War 2?

The American economy became the world's strongest.

What were the political issues surrounding the Salem Witch Trials?

The town was split between Salem Village, which consisted of poor farmers, and Salem Town, which were merchants that prospered in the new economy. Many believe though, that if you prospered in the new economy it questioned your Puritan faith. Once Parris became the new minister of Salem, he claimed the new economy was work of the devil.

When did Kelley's Island form?

Now that's a wide open question. The island 'formed' in prehistoric times. But I assume you mean, what is the history of the political structure of the island. The Kelley brothers (Irad & Datus) began buying up lots on the island in the 1830's. At that time there was no formal political structure. In 1840 the Islanders petitioned the State of Ohio and became a Township. It held elections and had 3 Trustees, a Clerk and Treasurer. In 1887 the Township officially became a Village. Its boundaries encompass the entire island. Then as now, the Village elects a Mayor, 6 Council Members, and a Village Clerk/Treasurer.

Why did simple villages become into complex villages?

Simple villages may have evolved into complex ones due to factors such as population growth, increased trade and commerce, technological advancements, social stratification, or external pressures like conflicts or economic changes. These developments often lead to the need for more sophisticated governance systems, infrastructure, and social organization to meet the increasing complexity of the community's needs and challenges.

What village was sasori on in nurato shuppeden?

Before Sasori became a member of the akatsuki, Sasori was a member of the sand village.

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Field mice do not have an "economy". An "economy" is a human invention.