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President Wilson wanted to stay neutral for benefits to the country but as soon as we entered the war in 1917 and joined in with forces at our sides the sense of national security was becoming more and more threatened. As the war progressed the government became more involved with the economy than ever before. After the Zimmerman Telegraph, Americans felt threatened so they heightened national security. Then, the Germans hit closer to home when they sank the Lusitania and killed 128 Americans. Thus, the United States became more involved in the war and closer to the Allies.

In WWI, the War Industries Board was created to oversee the production of any war materials. Eventually the economy became more stable and the production of materials was more efficient. Due to this, we were able to supply the Allies with food. Even though Americans had to suffer a little by conserving food, it helped strengthen our war bonds. By having alliances in the war, Americans could feel safer, but since we were at war, we were bound to have enemies. With nations behind America and America backing up other nations, America's national security was more out of harms way. Note, this did conflict with George Washington's farewell address.

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Q: How did national security occur in world war 1?
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