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He ended the Vietnam War and stopped the Democrat War machine that had started with FDR and went through JFK and LBJ. He also was brilliant in foreign relations. Problem was he was so distrustful of others that he made a huge cover up out of a tiny issue that he initially was not involved in. The Watergate Break-In, which Nixon had no knowledge of during its planning or the commting of the crime, was a defining moment for politics as "proof" to the left wing that all Republicans were crooks and evil. In truth Nixon was a tremendous President who stopped an out of control Democrat war machine but was so insecure about everyone and everything made his legacy a tainted one.

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13y ago
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12y ago

In May 1972, President Nixon and Soviet Premier Brezhenv signed the SALT I Treaty in Moscow. The most important parts of the agreement were The Treaty on Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems and the Interim Agreement and Protocol on Limitation of Strategic Offensive Weapons. The Interim Agreement froze each side's number of ICBM's and Submarine-launched ballistic missiles at current levels for five years. The Anti-ballistic Missile system Treaty limited each side to two Anti-Ballistic Missile sites, one protecting the national capital. After years of hostility, the Soviet Union and the United States agreed to curb the spiraling arms-race costs and reduce the risk of the nuclear war.

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11y ago

He began the policy known as the "Socialism in Africa Doctrine" which saw the focus of the Cold War shift from Europe and East Asia to Africa. The USSR began deploying large military and naval units to Egypt, Kenya, and Mozambique and sent military advisors to countries on the western side of the continent as well.

The U.S. reacted to this policy by temporarily disbanding NATO. This allowed the French and the Americans to cooperate in Africa without violating existing treaty arrangements in Europe. Their cooperation resulted in the bankrolling of resistance movements which eventually resulted in the Soviets retreating from all of Africa except Kenya. In that country, the French had to deploy troops and, for 7 months in 1969, there was a shooting war there between the Kenyan Communist government supported by Soviet auxilliaries on one side and two divisions of French colonial troops on the other side. A peace was negotiated, however, and both the French and the Soviets left Kenya.

Krushchev reacted to the disbandment of NATO by incorporating Denmark into the Soviet Union. When NATO was restored in 1971, Norway joined NATO out of fear of sharing Denmark's fate. Danish dissidents later played a key role in the collapse of the Communist regime.

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11y ago

Nixon fought to be president against LBJ and when he won he told the united states he would give them all free chocolate plantations for their farms if they settled out of war and became a peace free country!

- taken out of social studies text book

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15y ago

He initiated arms limitation talks with the Soviet Union.

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10y ago

he sexed me so much

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13y ago

like a boss

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