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at the part where you blow it up Take a piece of tape and place it over the outside of the balloon. Poke the needle through the tape and through the surface of the balloon. The balloon will not pop because the surface of the balloon cannot expand, thus popping the balloon.

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Q: How can you put a needle in a balloon without popping it?
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How do you put a pin in a balloon without it popping?

To put a pin in a balloon without it popping, slowly insert the pin into the thickest part of the balloon where the rubber is strongest. Gently push the pin through rather than jabbing it in quickly to minimize the risk of popping.

Why doesn't a balloon pop with a needle through it?

When you insert a needle into a balloon, it creates a small hole. The air inside the balloon escapes gradually through this hole, preventing the balloon from popping. The pressure inside the balloon decreases as the air escapes, relieving the stress and preventing a sudden burst.

How does a balloon not pop when you put a skew stick through it?

When you put a skewer through a balloon, the rubber in the balloon stretches and forms a temporary seal around the skewer. The rubber is flexible enough to conform to the shape of the skewer without tearing, preventing the balloon from popping.

Why is popping a balloon an example of a physical change?

Popping a balloon is a physical change because the balloon retains its original chemical composition even after it has been popped. The change is reversible, as the pieces of the popped balloon can be put back together and reinflated.

Why don't balloons pop when pricked through tape?

When a balloon is pricked through tape, the tape creates a barrier that helps distribute the force of the prick over a larger area, reducing the pressure exerted on the balloon. This prevents a focused point of pressure from forming, decreasing the likelihood of the balloon popping.

How to avoid a popping sound from a filled balloon?

There are two ways to avoid a popping sound from a filled balloon: 1. closing your ears tightly 2. putting earplugs on your ears. I usually do #1 to avoid a popping sound from those freakin' balloons. The President should ban the balloon popping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, when a balloon's circumference is about 10 inches and the length is 31 centimeters, I would run 10 kilometers away. When I put earplugs, they always come off. So, go get yourself a balloon and stab it with a knife! Just kidding.

What are some ideas for balloon popping games?

Balloon popping games include giving everyone a balloon which they tie to their ankle, and the objective is to burst others' balloons without letting your own get burst. Another game is to put slips of paper with either Sweet or Sorry into the balloons and then blow them up, after which everyone gets 30 seconds to pop as many balloons as possible and collect their rewards at the end.

Why doesnt a balloon pop when you put a skewer through it?

When you insert a skewer into a balloon, the material of the balloon stretches around the skewer, creating a seal that prevents the balloon from popping. The surface tension of the balloon also helps to keep it intact by distributing the force exerted by the skewer.

How do you pump up a basketball?

you need a balloon and a needle like a pump needle or a cooking needle. blow the balloon up to the max and use a paperclip to keep the air in the balloon. then cut off the tip of the balloon. afterwards use it to keep the needle in the balloon then put the needle in the ball take the clip off and wait. it might not inflate it all the way up but it will do some good until you get a real pump.

What happens if you put a inflated balloon in the freezer?

The cold temperature in the freezer will cause the air molecules inside the balloon to contract, making the balloon shrink in size. If the balloon gets cold enough, the rubber may become brittle and more prone to popping.

How do you do the ninth level on popopop?

Put the balloon by the red stack and it will bring up the lightening. wait til it aims at the needle and once you get those pop the rest with the needle.

Why do balloon produces blasting sound when it explode with the help of needle?

When a balloon explodes due to a needle, the sudden release of air creates a burst of sound waves. This is because the air inside the balloon is under pressure, and when the needle creates an opening, the high-pressure air rushes out rapidly, causing vibrations in the air molecules that we perceive as a loud popping sound.