Johnson City, TN
I believe he has multiple residences. However, he splits time with a home in Jackson, TN. It is a very nice gated neighborhood. He's seen frequently at the movies, gym and other places around town. It's a small city between Memphis and Nashville, TN with a pop. around 100,000. .
Andrew Jackson gave his plantation home that name. It is located near Nashville, TN and is open to the public for a fee.
Jackson home, the Hermitage, near Nashville is the most impressive. Andrew Johnson's home in Greeneville,TN, is also open to visitors but is not so fancy as Jackson's. Polk's boyhood home in Columbia , TN is open to the public, but his adult home was torn down in about 1900.
His plantation home, near Nashville,TN, is named the Hermitage. It has been maintained and is open to the public for a fee. Jackson and his wife are buried on the grounds.
The legend is that he had one at his home in TN and when he died, it spoke obscenities at his funeral.
The distance from Jackson, TN to Waverly, TN is approximately 69 miles. Driving time is around 1 hour and 15 minutes.
929 or 926 Fair St Franklin, TN 37064
Jackson died on June 8, 1845 at his home near Nashville.
151 miles
257 miles
It's just under 1500 miles from Tucson to Jackson, TN