No. It looks like Caroline is about to die but Damon saves her. I think xxx
Caroline Elizabeth Forbes Elizabeth after her mother liz eLIZabeth
Caroline Forbes did sing in the episode "Mystic Grill." She sang Eternal Flame.
Candice Accola played the role of Caroline Forbes in the television series "The Vampire Diaries". Candice Accola was born on May 13, 1987.
Caroline Elizabeth Forbes Elizabeth after her mother liz eLIZabeth
No. Candice Accola plays Caroline Forbes, and Marguerite MacIntyre plays Sherrif Liz Forbes. They aren't at all related.
Marguerite Maclntyre
If Allison Argent turned into a vampire, Chris Argent would kill her and not accept it like Caroline Forbes mother did.
Caroline forbes and bonnie bennet
yes, because caroline doesnt like the fact that tyler is a hybrid and now sired to klaus
Thelma Forbes died in 2012.
Edwin Forbes died in 1895.
Donald Forbes died in 2008.