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Q: Briefly explain the role of government in market capitalism today?
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What are capitalism and communism and socialism?

Capitalism is a free-market system with little or no government regulation. Communism is a system where the market and means of production are owned by the government. Socialism allows some regulation of the economy and is also the transition from capitalism to all out communism.

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What is state capitalism?

State capitalism is when there is a free-market economy, but the government actively plays in the economy as an investor, manager, and organizer of various companies.

What is pure form of capitalism where market forces operate without government called?

Laissez faire government is government that stays out of the free market. Laissez faire is French for "let alone".

What are Two core values in out government system?

Democracy and capitalism. Democracy is our political system based off the idea that government should be for the people, by the people. Capitalism is the economic system that allows citizens to control the market without government interference , thus giving in the term "free-market".

Is capitalism market economy?

The Market Economy is another name for Capitalism.

What is the name for an economy in which private enterprise and government regulation coexist?

market economy

What are the traits of capitalism market system?

The traits would be that of property ownership, free enterprise, market mechanism and limited government role.

What does mixed capitalism means?

A market system where there is a mix between free market (without regulation and laws, prices are determined by the market forces) and controlled market( with government restrictions).

What is capitalism and how does free market work?

capitalism is a type of economic system in which property resources are privately owned and markets and prices are used to direct and coordinate economic activities. Free market means that there is no government influence impeding upon market activities

Is market economy like capitalism?

The Market Economy is another name for Capitalism.