No. In modern language use we differentiate with terms like Airman or
Sailor or Soldier or Marine and the whole world is expected to know the
The average military IQ of personnel in the armed forces is around 100, which is considered to be the average IQ for the general population.
Soldiers were service men and women who enlisted or were drafted into the armed forces of the various countries involved.
Whle members of the military are NOT members of the civil service, the police ARE members of the civil service (i.e.: CIVILian Service) .The police are under the control of their local civilian government (the Executive Branch) while the military is under the control of the Department of Defense which answers to the Congress and the President.
He helped boost troop morale by entertaining armed service personnel .
While volunteers were always accepted, soldiers were drafted for service in the US armed forces during World War 1.
Approximately 4,000 employees, 1,200 criminal investigators, an armed uniformed division with 1,000 personnel, forensic laboratories and a communications system, and about 1,000 technical and administrative support personnel.
Most personnel who served in the armed forces during WW1 were eligible for the World War 1 Victory Medal for periods of service between 1917-1918? The WWI Victory Medal had nothing to do with being wounded. US soldiers wounded received a Certificate, which later, when the Purple Heart Medal was created in 1932, could be "turned in" for a Purple Heart Medal.
UK, German, Italian and French 4 years US 19 months
The categories of positions in the Philippine civil service are: Career Service and Non-career Service. Under the career service category are seven kinds of career positions, namely: open career positions; closed career positions; career executive service positions; career officers; commissioned officers and enlisted personnel of the Armed Forces; personnel of government-owned and controlled corporations; and permanent laborers.
is yaws considered armed and dangerous
Yes, France does have a standing army. The French Armed Forces consist of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Gendarmerie, with personnel engaged in various operations at home and abroad. France has a mandatory military service for young citizens, as well as professional soldiers serving in different capacities.