In the CBS television series M*A*S*H (1972-83) Trapper John is with the group as they say goodbye to Henry Blake at the Season 3 finale. However by the premier of Season 4 he is on his way back to the States, but never seen, as the show welcomes B.J. Hunnicutt.
Wayne Rogers played Trapper John on the CBS television series, M*A*S*H (1972-83). He left at the end of the 3rd season because he felt the story lines weren't paying the proper respect to his character.
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Trapper's last appearance in M*A*S*H was in the episode entitled "Abyssinia, Henry". He was officially listed as having gone home the episode that followed, entitled "Welcome to Korea".
End of season three
The episode entitled "Fade Out, Fade In" deals with Frank Burns's departure.
Trapper John M.D.
'Trapper' John McIntyre was played by Wayne Rogers.
Trapper had two daughters with his wife Louise; Becky and Kathy
B. J. Hunnicutt
Mike Farrell, playing Capt.B J Hunnicutt first appeared in the 73 rd episode "Welcome to Korea". This was the start of the 4 th season following the departure of Col Henry Blake and Trapper John.
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Trapper's orders simply came through. He left without Hawkeye's knowledge because Hawkeye was in Tokyo on R&R. Hawkeye tried to track him down, but his aeroplane left Kempo airfield about twenty minutes before Hawkeye arrived.
In the MASH series, 3 different actors played Captain "Trapper" John Francis Xavier McIntyre, M.D.Elliott Gould - Robert Altman's movie MASH (1970)Wayne Rogers - CBS television series M*A*S*H (1972-83)Pernell Roberts - CBS television series Trapper John M.D. (1979-86)