Gautier is pronounced GO-TEE-EH. I have a teacher with the same name.
The correct pronunciation is's a very southern way of speaking down here
Tommy Fortenberry
18,544 (2013)
400 miles
gau tee ay cap oo can
It is 446 miles according to Google Maps/
The address of the Mississippi Committee-National Museum Women In The Arts is: Po Box 275, Gautier, MS 39553-0275
The correct pronunciation of "rendezvous" is RON-day-voo.
The correct pronunciation of bully is [ˈbuli].
the correct pronunciation of ulcer is ~ UL-SAR ~
The correct abbreviation for Pronunciation is "pron."
The correct pronunciation of "plumber" is ˈplə-mər.
I believe the correct pronunciation is : " gaw - ra "