Athens had an internal dispute bordering on civil war between its different classes of people - essentially against the ruling aristocracy. The tyrants were brought in by popular acclaim to establish a government which looked after all citizens, not just the interests of a few.
Because the tyrants forced a traded democracy.
spartans have the control in athens
the tyrants were able to seize power from the nobles because they had the help and support of the Greek farmers, merchants, and the artisans.
They were able to seize control because they had the support of Greek farmers, merchants and artisans, who were sick and tired of being exploited - the tyrants were appointed to bring in rule for all, not just the upper class.
They did not seize power in Athens. They were Athenian citizens who took over Athens with wide public support to put an end to the self-centered rule of the upper-class oligarchs, and bring equity to all classes.
the tyrants were able to seize power from the nobles because they had the help and support of the Greek farmers, merchants, and the artisans.
Athens had an internal dispute bordering on civil war between its different classes of people - essentially against the ruling aristocracy. The tyrants were brought in by popular acclaim to establish a government which looked after all citizens, not just the interests of a few.
The answer here is simple. tyrants were able to seize control over greek nobles by protecting their grounds and standing guard for trespassers who wished to control their land!~! ALexa ANn Somebody!~!
There was a new Tyrant named peisestratus he took over the government. He gave citizenship to athenians who did not own land. Sincereligion was important in sthens peisistratus built additional shrines to diffrent gods. The Tyrant were doing more things than the athens
because France had a weak government
The police were able to seize the drugs during the raid.
Tyrants were appointed when there was a breakdown in the political system leading towards civil war. The function of the tyrant was to rule autocratically, but balancing the aspirations of the oligarchs on one hand and the lower orders on the other, to provide a fair compromise. Their problem was that when they had a fair system running for over a generation, the new generation forgot how bad things had been under the oligarchs, and expelled the tyrants for being oppressive, leaving themselves open to a return to the oligarchic oppression of earlier times.