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The gulf stream.

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Q: Why is the annual temperature range smaller along the coast of Norway than at the same latitude in Sibera?
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What is unusual about the rivers in sibera?

The rivers are frozen for over 6-9 months.

What is mammoths habbitat?

Mammoths lived in the coldest parts of the world like sibera.

What is the coldest city on a yearly basis on Earth?

Yakutsk is the coldest city on yearly basis on Earth. Yakutsk lies on the Lena River in Eastern Sibera and during the winter months, the temperature falls below -30 Celsius.

What are the release dates for Travel the Road - 2003 The Reindeer Tribe Steppes of Sibera Part 1 2-9?

Travel the Road - 2003 The Reindeer Tribe Steppes of Sibera Part 1 2-9 was released on: USA: 25 March 2006

Who lives in a train?

Railroad detectives and in Russia, KGB transportation security men, the latter blokes escorted the Romanovs to Sibera.

Is Verkoyansk in Sibera the coldest place on earth?

Verkoyansk, located in Siberia, is not the coldest place on Earth. The title of the coldest place on Earth is held by Antarctica, particularly the high ridge on the East Antarctic Plateau where temperatures can drop below -130°F (-89.2°C).

How is the Siberian tiger under threat?

Global warming and building on their habitat has all added onto their threat. Although scientists proved it does not work, some people are still using their bones as a medicine, thought to heal you from nearly everything. Technically, the Siberian tiger is no longer call the Siberian tiger anymore, because there are now no tigers in Sibera. It's now known as the Amur Tiger.

Why do you put acid or LSD tabs in the freezer?

Placing acid or LSD tabs in the freezer helps preserve their potency and extend their shelf life by protecting them from heat, light, and moisture. Storing them in a cold, dark environment can slow down degradation and maintain their quality over time.

Where did Irving Berlin go to school?

Irving is told to be born in Western Sibera... He is said to have lived in the new world, In New York... __ It's not completely clear exactly where he was born. Records aren't very clear. A number of places are listed including in (or near) Mogilyov, Russia (now part of Belarus), Temum, Russia and Tolochin, Byelorussia. Many biographies simply put "birthplace unknown"