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Indo-European Language is a language family group.This is further divided into sub-categories.You can expect language families to have more similarities as you go smaller and smaller.At such a broad level, one cannot completely understand anyone who speaks an Indo-European Language if they do too (eg. A man speaking English will not understand a man speaking Sanskrit).

However, there are many similarities.Roman Bar Bar (which is the root for barbarian) means something similar to nonsensical, or nonsense.The Hindi (I'm not sure if it's also Sanskrit) word Bak Bak (pronounced buck buck) means nonsense also, a clear similarity.

It is believed that PIE (Proto-Indo European), a proposed language that is believed to have started all Indo-European Languages, originated with a people who lived along the River Danube.Their language may be compared to all current IE Languages, however it is not spoken at all today as there are no records of it.

PIE was very, well, popular, which is not hard to be when there are only a couple hundred thousand people living.The PIE's spread as they were nomadic peoples, and they all took their language with them.This basic language, which is hardly what it is today (in it's multiple forms) was diversified as it spread into different regions and with different people.Overtime, languages borrow words, change words, and overall create a separate language.

However, most languages keep most words from PIE but in a very different form.This is because we are only human, and it is within the human range of error/fault to do little things that will ultimately change the language(s) over time.This may also cause new dialects, which 'evolve' separately into new languages, and repeat.

So that is basically the history of Indo-European Language.It has been thousands of year, but probably not 10,000 or more, since PIE has branched out and evolved into the hundreds of IE languages and dialects today.It's like PIE was a big lump of clay.Some people took some of that magic clay which allowed them to speak and went elsewhere and spread the clay into the next generation.No more original clay is left.All the clay has been slightly changed, some even broken among others, by the hand that carried it for the generation.Over time, you've got a hundred differently shaped lumps that all came from one big lump.

Hope that helps.

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