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I'm pretty sure Odysseus but he declines

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Q: Whom does Nausicaa want for a husband?
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What reason does nausicaa give Odysseus for not allowing him to travel with her to town?

She doesn't want people to gossip about him being her future husband.

Why won't Nausicaa let Odysseus ride in her cart?

Nausicaa is hesitant to let Odysseus ride in her cart because it would be improper and scandalous for a young unmarried woman to be seen alone with a man who is a stranger to her. She also needs to maintain her reputation and honor as a princess.

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Who is the future husband?

I'm sorry, future husband of whom?

What has the author Nausicaa Marbe written?

Nausicaa Marbe has written: 'Mandraga'

What does athene tell nausicaa to do when she visits her in her drem?

Athena tells Nausicaa to prepare for marriage, to wash her clothes and seek out the handsome Phaeacians to meet a prospective husband. She also advises her to suggest to her father that he provide her with a wagon and mules for the trip, as well as seeking help from her brothers with the household chores.

Did Odysseus marry nausikaa?

No, Odysseus was already married to Penelope. Further, Nausicaa did not want to marry Odysseus.

Why does Alcinous want Odysseus to marry Nausicaa?

Alcinous feels that he and the stranger "think as one."

What is a work husband?

A work husband is a person with whom a person has a platonic intimacy at work.

Who want to marry Janie?

In Zora Neale Hurston's novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Janie is married three times. Her first husband is Logan Killicks, who was chosen for her by her grandmother. Her second husband is Joe Starks, whom she marries out of love and a desire for a better life. Her third husband is Tea Cake, whom she also marries out of love and who she considers to be her true soulmate.