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The god Pan had goat legs.

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Q: Who was the roman goat god?
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Who was the god of shepherds and goat herders?

Pan (Faunus in Roman)

What is the name of the roman goat god?

You are referring to Faunus, whose Greek counterpart was Pan. He is the archetype from which we get Satyrs.

Is it possible for a Goat to be a God?

No. A goat cannot become a God, but can be godlike.

What is Saturday named after?

It was named after a roman god named "The SATYR" A goat-legged half-man with horns and pointed ears.

What is name of the earth god of the woods and fields half man and half goat?

The Greek god of nature, and the wild was Pan. He was a creature known as a satyr. His Roman counterpart was the god Faunus.

Who was the half man half goat god of earth and fields?

Pan is one of the most famous Satyrs. He was god of shepherds, flocks, mountains, hunting and music.

A god with the legs of a goat?

The Greek god Pan

What is a roman nose on a goat?

A Roman nose on a goat refers to a straight or slightly convex profile of the nose, similar to the appearance of a Roman statue. It is a common feature in some goat breeds, such as LaMancha and Boer goats.

What did the Roman goddesses wear?

She had a goat skin

What god is half goat?


What myth is about the Shepard god with a head and legs of a goat?

You're thinking of Faunus, but he wasn't a shepherd. He was the Roman god of forests, plains and fields. He was conflated with the Greek god of shepherds, Pan, who was often depicted with those same goat-like features (though he did not originally have them).

What is a half goat deity?

A half-goat deity is a mythical being that is part human and part goat in its physical characteristics. One well-known example is the Greek god Pan, who is depicted with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a goat. These deities often represent nature, fertility, and the wild aspects of the natural world.