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United States supplied South Viet Nam (now spell, Vietnam "to make it look better").

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USSR & Red China.

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Q: Who supplied north Vietnam with weapons during the vietnamese conflict?
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What has the author Bruce W Macy written?

Bruce W. Macy has written: 'Ammunition production for Vietnam: impact on southeast Kansas' -- subject(s): Economic aspects of Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975, Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975, Weapons industry

Why do The US assist the French in the Vietnam war?

The US supplied the French with weapons and equipment in their fight AGAINST communism. The Viet Minh (Vietnamese Communists) were supported by the Soviets and Red Chinese.

What caliber weapons did china use during the Vietnam conflict?

Nationalist China (Taiwan) used US supplied weapons. Red China used Soviet type weapons and SUPPLIED many of those to North Vietnam...such as the MiG-19 (J6 CHICOM version) jet fighter. AK-47 assault rifles, SKS semi-automatic rifles, K-54 pistols, etc.

How many different weapons were used by vietnamese soldiers during the Vietnam war?

North or South Vietnamese? They used different equipment.

What was the role of superpowers in Vietnam war?

1. The communist superpowers supplied the weapons/technicicans and jet pilot training for North Vietnamese MIG Pilots in both the Soviet Union (MIG-17 and MIG-21)and Red China (MIG-19/J-6 version). 2. The US supplied men & equipment for the war. 3. The communist superpowers were responsible for establishing the rules of fighting the "limited war" in Vietnam. Example 1: if nukes are used; be prepared for the communists to use nukes too. Example 2: if the US invades North Vietnam, be prepared to fight Red China/Soviet Union (as did happen during the Korean War).

Why weren't nuclear weapons used during the Vietnam war?

Fear that the North Vietnamese would obtain nuclear weapons themselves (from Russia or China) and use them on South Vietnam or even on America.

Did the US have better weapons than the Vietnamese in the Vietnam War?

Technologically plus a navy plus a much larger airforce, but in personal weapons, not really

Did the US send money weapons to North or South Vietnam?

The US helped the SOUTH Vietnamese. The North was the enemy!

What where the weapons used in the Vietnam war by the north vietmese artilery?

NVA forces used Soviet supplied; Artillery, 122mm rockets, PT76 amphibious light tanks, and T54/T55 medium tanks (100mm guns). North Vietnamese Air Force used Soviet supplied MIG17 & MIG21 jet fighters; and Red Chinese supplied MIG19's (J6 versions).

How many US soldiers were black who fought in the Vietnam War?

We were fighting both the North Vietnamese Army, and the "Viet Cong." Viet Cong translates to People's Army. They were mostly South Vietnamese citizens recruited by North Vietnam agents to help the North fight to unify Viet Nam. Both armies were supplied with Chinese and Russian military equipment and weapons.

Who was involed in Vietnam?

North Vietnam and their southern communist allies the Viet Cong verses the US, South Korea, South Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Australia, and New Zealand. Red China & the USSR supplied weapons and ammunition to their communist ally, North Vietnam.

What is the Vietnam war about?

the northern Vietnamese wanted Communism so the democratic Vietnamese fled to south Vietnam, the democratic part, mean while the southern communists still were there and decided they should take Vietnam as a whole communist country. they became the Viet Cong and the northern Vietnamese sent supplies to the Viet Cong through the Ho Chi Minh Trail to aid the Viet Cong(the DMZ kept them from crossing the boarder whit weapons).