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* Zeus or Jupiter, * Apollo or Phoebus, * Ares or Mars, * Hermes or Mercury, * pOSEIDON OR nEPTUNE, * HEPHAESTUS or Vulcan, * Hades or Pluto, * eROS or CuPId, * Artemis or Diana, * Athena or Minerva, * Aphrodite or Venus, * Hera or Juno, * hestia or vesta.

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13y ago

The mythological figures in Greek mythology are hundreds in amount. However, a few of their most important gods and goddesses were;

Zues: God of the Sky, Thunder, and Lightning

Poseidon: God of the Sea, Earthquakes, and Horses

Ares: God of War

Hephestuas: God of BLacksmithing and Fire

Hermes: God of Messengers, Theives, Doctors, and Travelers

Apollo: God of the Sun, Music, Oracles, and Archery

Dionsyus: God of Wine

Hera: Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth

Demeter: Goddess of the Harvest and Fertility

Artemis: Goddess of the Moon, the Hunt, Archery and Maidens (maiden goddess)

Athena: Goddess of Wisdom, Craft, and Battle Strategy(maiden)

Aphrodite: Goddess of Love and Sexuality

Along with these gods and goddesses, known as the Oylimpians, there were two others who were main gods and goddesses

Hades: god of the Underworld and the Dead (kicked off Oylmpus)

Hestia: Goddess of the Home and Hearth (gave up seat as an Oylmipian for Dionsyus, maiden goddess)

Besides these there were other minor gods and goddesses, along with large and primal monsters and demons which were usually offspring of gods and nature spirits, such as the Chimera, Minotaur and Cyclopses. Also, a few people were turned into monsters because of their arrogance, such as Medusa and Ariadne.

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14y ago

Main characters? not sure.. but i know the major gods and goddesses













extra: Hestia


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13y ago

Depends on which myth you're talking about. There's lots. However, the gods were:

Zeus/Jupiter, god of the sky

Posiedon/Neptune, god of the sea

Hera/Juno, goddess of marriage/family

Aphrodite/Venus, goddess of beauty/love

Artemis/Diana, goddess of hunters/the moon

Apollo, god of music/poetry/the sun

Hermes/Mercury, god of thieves

Ares/Mars, god of war

Athena/Minerva, goddess of wisdom

Demeter/Ceres, goddess of the harvest

Dionysus/Bacchus, god of wine

Hephaestus/Vulcan, smith god

And then Hades/Pluto, who didn't live on Olympus like the other gods, but in the Underworld. He is the god of the dead. Also Hestia/Vesta, goddess of home/hearth, who gave up her throne on Olympus to avoid having the unlucky number of 13 gods on Olympus when Dionysus came along.

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7y ago

It depends upon which set of myths you are talking about, and from which culture they come from. Ever since the dawn of the human race, people all over the world have been creating mythological beings, heroes and creatures. Each ancient culture has it's own set of mythological figures, running into dozens and even hundreds within each race, tribe or civilisation, so the total number of characters formed throughout history all over the world would probably number tens of thousands! You need to be more specific about which mythology you are asking about.

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8y ago

All of the Roman myths (aside from the founding myths of Rome - like Romulus and Remus) are Greek myths. The names were simply changed, but the entire mythology was preserved.

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