Soviet Union supported Communist China and nearly all the other powers supported Nationalist China.
When the Chinese Civil War began there were no super powers. However, Japan took advantage of the situation by invading China. At the end of World War 2 both the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were too self involved.
Mao received support from Stalin.
chiang kai-shek
The Nationalists
The U.S. was allied to the Nationalist part of china.
Some supported the Nationalist but most supported the communist
After WW2 the United Nations began a policy of containment to prevent the spread of Communism. The Chinese civil war involved government nationalists and communist guerrilas. The US supported the nationalists to try to stop the communist takeover.
The Nationalists lose the Civil War in china because," the Communists troops were well-trained in guerrilla war.
US, Britain, USSR, Red China.
The communist superpowers; USSR & Red China (Nationalist China was a US Ally).
After the civil war, China was divided into two countries.
Well obviously,its a civil war, so it was between china and china, so china. To answer your question