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Captain James Cook conquered Australia.

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Q: Who conquered Australia?
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What country conquered Australia during World War 2?

No country conquered Australia during WW2 or any war.

What did most of Europe conquered by the 1800s?

by the 1800s, Europe had conquered most of the Americas and Australia by 1800.

Did Alexander the Great conquer in Australia?

No, Alexander the Great did not conquer Australia. He was a Macedonian king who conquered vast territories in Asia, Africa, and Europe, but there is no historical evidence that he visited or conquered Australia.

Was australia conquered in World War 2?

Australia defended itself and was never captured and so did not need liberating.

Were Australia part of the Allied Forces?

In World War I Australia fought with other countries but in World War II they were not part of the Allied Forces that conquered the Axis Forces.

What is the war US won in Australia or not Australia?

Australia has never been conquered by any foreign power. The US and Australia have been allies for ~200 years and American troops have been supported by Australian troops in every international conflict since WWI.

How did the federation of Australia helped to move Australia towards democracy?

By the time Australia became a Federation the states that made up what was to become Australia were already democratic entity's in their own right. So federation was just another step in these entity's forging a stronger hold over the territory they had conquered.

How did the byzantien empire fall?

It was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.It was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.It was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.It was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.It was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.It was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.It was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.It was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.It was conquered by the Ottoman Turks.

Why did God let the English colonize Australia?

God let the English colonize Australia because back then they were following his godly standard. If the Aboriginal tribes that were native to Australia were smart enough to claim the land for themselves (I hope I don't sound racist) then we would be believing in the dream time and worshiping the land we conquered.

What empire conquered israel and judah?

Assyria conquered Israel, then Babylon conquered Assyria and Judah, then Persia conquered Babylon, then the Seuclid Empire conquered Judah, then the Judeans revolted, then Rome conquered Judah, then the Islamic Caliphate conquered the Byzantine Empire (the remains of the Roman Empire). The Ottoman Empire conquered Judah from the Cusaders who had conquered it from its Islamic rulers. Then the British Empire took it from the Ottomans.

What year did Claudius conquer Britain?

Claudius "conquered" Britain in 43 AD.Claudius "conquered" Britain in 43 AD.Claudius "conquered" Britain in 43 AD.Claudius "conquered" Britain in 43 AD.Claudius "conquered" Britain in 43 AD.Claudius "conquered" Britain in 43 AD.Claudius "conquered" Britain in 43 AD.Claudius "conquered" Britain in 43 AD.Claudius "conquered" Britain in 43 AD.

Who did the Sumarians conquered?

they conquered grammar