mr's salomey oko
The pledge for the nation of Ghana is: "I promise on my honour to be faithful and loyal to Ghana my motherland. I pledge myself to the service of Ghana with all my strength and with all my heart. I promise to hold in high esteem our heritage, won for us through the blood and toil of our fathers; and I pledge myself in all things to uphold and defend the good name of Ghana. So help me God."
Mr. Lester Vaughn wrote the pledge for Barbados the best country/island ever
what is the National pledge fOr Montserrat
mr's salomey oko
This famous national pledge recited by schoolchildren was composed in Visakhapatnam by then district treasury officer, Pydimarri Venkata Subba Rao, a native of Anneparthy village in Nalgonda, 50 years ago in 1962. The original pledge composed in Telugu, first heard in a school in Visakhapatnam in 1963, was later translated into English, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada and various other vernacular languages and incorporated as the pledge to be recited on the Republic Day in 1965.
There is no "Ghana national anthem in fante". Ghana is a multi-ethnic, multi-tribal country. There are many Ghanaian citizens who don't speak or understand Fante. Fante is just on of the many languages in Ghana., it is not even the most popular Akan language. The official language in Ghana is English. There is a popular song that Akans would like to replace the Ghanaian National Anthem but it is not official. Hence, the question is wrong in and of itself. The only NATIONAL anthem of Ghana is in English, and it is "God bless our Homeland Ghana".
no national bird for Ghana
what is th pledge ofantiqua alone
Land of my birth I pledge to thee, My Loyalty and devotion, In all I think or say or do.
The Pledge of Allegiance is the national pledge of the United States. It is an expression of allegiance to the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America.