The home of 3963 Holland Court in Douglasville, Ga, 30135 is not in the city. It is located in the country.
She is a Philanthropist, richest black woman for 3 years, dedicated TV host and producer, an exceptional actress, youngest person to receive the "Broadcaster of the Year" Award. Oprah has four Day Time Emmy Award, nominated by Golden Globe and The Academy Award for best supporting actress in The Color Purple. She is the co - author of five books as well as the publisher of O, The Oprah Magazine; from 2004 to 2008, and O at Home.
Cuz can.
Georgia's congressman home town is ALANTA
Green Lake
in lets nab Oprah and home alone
Ophra bought a home for her sister in Grafton, Wisconsin.
There's probably a home depot in Georgia.
right behind walmart?