Quite easy. Multiply liters by 0.264 to determine US gallons.
For US measure, use this formula: US gallons x 3.785 = litersFor UK measure, use this formula: UK gallons x 4.546 = liters
3.2 liters = 0.845 US gallons = 0.704 Imperial gallons
.4 liters = 0.105668821 gallons Because 1 liters = 0.264172052 gallons So .4 liters * 0.264172052 gallons = 0.105668821 gallons
There are approximately 1.5 gallons in 5.7 liters.
To convert from US Gallons to Liters, multiply the number of Gallons by 3.7854 To convert from UK Gallons to Liters, multiply the number of Gallons by 4.54609188.
149 US gallons = 564.026 liters149 Imperial gallons = 677.368 liters
There are approximately 100 liters in 26.4 gallons.
There are approximately 75.71 liters in 20 gallons.
43.53 Liters (US gallons) 52.28 Liters (UK gallons)
16 liters = 4.227 US gallons = 3.520 Imperial gallons