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It allowed them to silence their political opponents.

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Q: What was one advantage of the Spanish inquisition for the monarchs of Spain?
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Were the spanish monarchs protestant?

No. The Spanish monarchy has always been Catholic. Protestants in Spain were immediately targeted by the (already-existing) Spanish Inquisition and tortured. This prevented Protestantism from ever gaining a foothold in Iberia.

Where did the Spanish inquisition take place?

The inquisition took place in Spain.

Who was Ferdin and Isabella?

Ferdinand and Isabella, also known as the Catholic Monarchs, were the King and Queen of Spain who financed Christopher Columbus. (She was from Castilla; he was from Aragon.) They also "purified" Spain through the Spanish Inquisition and the Reconquista.

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the spanish inquisition

How did Spain respond competition?

the spanish inquisition

What was the results of the spanish inquisition?

Many Muslims and Jews were forced out of Spain..Catholic AnswerThe primarily result of the Spanish Inquisition is that the protestant heresy was kept out of Spain, and the Spanish were protected from its evil influence.

When did the Spanish Inquisition take place?

The Spanish Inquisition was set up in 1478 and lasted till 1834. It was active throughout the Spanish Empire as well as in Spain.

Where was the spanish inquisition located?

The Spanish Inquisition was primarily located in Spain, with headquarters in cities such as Seville, Toledo, and Madrid. It was established by the Spanish monarchy in the late 15th century to maintain religious orthodoxy and root out heresy among the population.

Institution that persecuted Jews and Muslims in Spain?

The Spanish Inquisition.

When was the Spanish Inquisition active?

The Inquisition was started by the Spanish government with the support of the Catholic Church.

When the news reached the monarchs of Spain what did they dowhat was the spanish motivation for sending more ships out?

when the news reached the monarchs of Spain what did they do?what was the spanish motivation for sending more ships out?

What is the name of the institution that persecuted Jews and moslems in Spain?

The Spanish Inquisition