The hitties and Assyrians used iron weapons and chariots in battle.
The Hittites were successful for their use of iron weapons and chariots. The Assyrians, later, used these same tools.
The hitties and Assyrians used iron weapons and chariots in battle.
Wooden spears
they contribute the iron working.
they learned it from the Hittites to heat iron ore, hammer it, and rapidly cool it
they learned it from the Hittites to heat iron ore, hammer it, and rapidly cool it
they learned it from the Hittites to heat iron ore, hammer it, and rapidly cool it
: The Hittites was the first to use iron in weapons (successfully), and that gave them an advantage over other people for a few centuries, until the secret spread to the Assyrians and other people that had contact with the Hittites.
The Hittites were forerunners to the iron age leading to advancement in weapon making. Their use of chariots and other technology led them to excel in war.
The Hittites went out to war against the Ammorites.
The Hittites were the first of the Indo-European people to use iron.