One hundred percent of Antarctica is land. The continent is about 98% covered by ice.
None of Antarctica is ice. Antarctica is 100% land. The land is covered -- about 98% -- by ice, so only two percent of the land is not covered by ice.
Bare land in Antarctica is about two percent.
Antarctica is a continent that covers 10% of the earth's surface -- land. Ninety-eight percent of it is covered with an ice sheet -- ice.
98% of the land is covered with a continental ice sheet.
Antarctica is a continent that covers 10% of the earth's surface, and it is 100% land. Antarctica is covered by an ice sheet, which covers 98% of its surface.
Antarctica is a land mass that covers 10% of the surface of planet earth. Ninety-eight percent of it is covered with an ice sheet. Ice is frozen water.
Antarctica is a land mass that covers 10% of the surface of planet earth. Ninety-eight percent of it is covered with an ice sheet. Ice is frozen water.
Antarctica is a continent that covers 10% of the earth's surface. The continent is covered by ice -- about 98% of the continent in fact. This means that the continent is the continent; the ice is the ice, and zero percent of the continent is ice, but 100% of the ice is ice.
One hundred percent of the ice in Antarctica is ice.
One hundred percent of the ice found in Antarctica Antarctica.
Ninety-eight percent of the continent is covered by an ice sheet. The bare land in Antarctica is generally beach area, or nunataks -- the tops of mountain peaks that poke above the ice sheet.
In that sentence, you can replace the word structure with the word mass, so that the question reads:"All but two percent of Antarctica's land mass is covered by ice."