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What is a ready kit?

A ready kit is a kit for serious emergences. Such as natural disaster.

What is a word for a serious disaster?


How is abandoned animals serious?

It is serious because more and more animals are being abondoned and dying.

Is natural disaster and natural calamity is same?

Yes, they are often used interchangeably to refer to events like hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and wildfires that cause widespread destruction and impact on communities. Both terms describe extreme natural events that result in significant damage to the environment and human life.

Can leprosy get on the walls of buildings?

No it is a serious skin disease.

What situations would require the use of an incident command system?

An incident command system may be employed by a police force to manage a serious incident such as a terrorist attck or a major fire or natural disaster.

Why cyclone is considered as natural hazards?

A natural disaster is a naturally occurring undesirable phenomenon which causes damage or else is not viewed favorably by humans. Cyclones, when severe or unexpected, may take a serious toll on human lives and property and can cause billions of dollars worth of damage. They are certainly also naturally occurring - part of the Earth's natural cycle. These two factors together make the cyclone a natural disaster.

What songs are on the plain white T's new album big bad world?

The tracks, in order are: Big Bad World, Natural Disaster, Serious Mistake, Rainy Day, 1,2,3,4, That Girl, Sunlight, I Really Want You, Meet Me In California, Someday

What is dired meaning?

Dire is defined as an extremely serious or urgent warning or threat. This usually refers to a situation or event with presaging disaster.

Why is the movie titanic a drama?

Dramas by definition deal with serious subjects, as opposed to comedies. The Titanic disaster is heavy enough going, right?

What is the name of very violent and serious types of winds which bring lot of disaster?

The name for very violent and serious types of winds that bring a lot of disaster is a "cyclone." Cyclones are large systems of winds that rotate around a center of low pressure, and can cause widespread damage through strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges.

Why does the east coast megalopolis face serious problems?

The east coast megalopolis face two main serious problems. They currently are facing high density housing and high rise buildings.