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The Assyrians were people of a common lineage, common language, common religion, and a common location. Though they are of different religious denominations, they consider themselves to form one greater religious community. They typically lived in Northern Iraq, Iran, Southeastern Turkey, and the eastern borders of Syria.

The Ancient Assyrians were known for their exploits and have been made known due to biblical accounts and historic archaeological artifacts. Many of their various idols, clay pots, weapons, etc are held in various museums across the globe.

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7y ago
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14y ago

Egypt (modern day Egypt), Judah (modern day Israeltine (Israel and Palestine)), Kizzuwatna (near the Gulf of İskenderun in modern day Turkey), Syria (modern day Syria), Uartu (modern day Armenia), Cilicia (modern day Çukurova), Zamua (modern day Sulaimania Governate of Iraq), Elam (modern day Southwest Iran), Bazu or Bamileke (modern day Cameroon), Kush (modern day Sudan), Mittani (modern day Northern Syria), Media (modern day Northwestern portions of Iran) Babylon (modern day Southern Iraq), Phoenicia (modern day Lebanon), Philistia (modern day coastal region that stretches roughly from Gaza in the South to Ashdod in the North of Israeltine), Samaria (modern day correspondence to the North of the West Bank (Israeltine)), Mannea ( a territory in modern day Iran), and Persia (the rest of modern day Iran).

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9y ago

Those lands are the lands that now occupy modern Iraq, most of Syria and the northern part of Arabia. The First great civilization was the Sumerian then the Assyrians. After their fall, it was the Akkadian followed by the Babylonians. Have that order memorized. That is going to help you understand history. Sumerian means in the ancient language, land of Shem who was one of Noah's sons. The Assyrians have Assur, son of Shem as the common ancestor. Another area most know was the land of Elam who was Assur brother who lived east of the land of Assur and the land of Aram who was the other brother and father of the Aramean's. The land was also in Syria.

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16y ago

The ancient Assyrians conquered Babylonia, Egypt, and Israel. Answered by: QWERTY

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13y ago

They conquered Israel, Judah, and many other civilizations. The Assyrians were the most cruel to people. They forced a lot of people to be slaves and didn't let them have their beliefs.

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4y ago

Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria

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Ancient Assyria encompassed portions of four modern day countries in Northern Mesopotamia: Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq. The Assyrian Empire collapsed in 612 BCE. You can read more about the Assyrians at the link provided below.

Is israel an assyrian nation?

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