If you are looking for modeling agencies in Newry, Pennsylvania, this link contains all the modeling agencies located in the Pennsylvania area: http://www.joeedelman.com/agencies/agency_pa.php
There are no modeling agencies in the OC. You will need to seek out agencies in Los Angeles and San Diego.
Petite modeling agencies are few and far in between because there is no demand for them but you can try a shot at commercial/print modeling agencies: - Angie's Model & Talent Agency
Skip modeling schools and deal directly with the modeling agencies. Here is a link to modeling agencies in Arizona, whose websites you can check out to see what their requirements are and what photos you need to send in: http://www.joeedelman.com/agencies/agency_az.php
There are a few websites that list legit agencies for acting and modeling, although you can simply do an online search for talent agencies according to your city/state. But you can check out the following links: http://www.joeedelman.com/agencies/agencies.shtml http://models.com/agencies/Modeling
This link will take you to a list of Ohio modeling agencies. Be sure to check out the websites to see what the requirements are and if you fit them: http://www.joeedelman.com/agencies/agency_oh.php
There currently are no established modeling agencies in Everett, WA. The agencies in that state are located in Seattle.
Akron, Cincinnati and Cleveland are the modeling agencies in Ohio that are looking for cover models.
There are several ways to get a modeling job. First check your local phone book for modeling agencies they can tell you how to get in the business. There are also websites that can refer you to reliable agencies.
There currently are no petite modeling agencies in the Dallas area. If you are at least 5'5" or an exceptional 5'4" you can look into Dallas modeling agencies that have a commercial/print division.