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English is the official language of Jamaica.

Patois ("pat-wah"), which is a combination of the African languages twi and kwa but based on the English language, is generally used in informal speech.


Although English is now the official language of Jamaica, most citizens possess the ability to speak a strong underlying local language that represents the country's multicultural and multi-ethnic history. Jamaica is also well known for a patois or pidgin language spoken by 90% of the residents and formed as a result of 500 years of intermingling languages. Jamaicans refer to the language as "Jamaican Patois." The development of the patois stems from the English and Spanish colonization and enslavement of people from many countries in West Africa, and forced labor of people from India and China, and the indigenous native Arawak (Taino) people.

Patois is a French term meaning "very local language." Jamaican patois is spoken by most Creoles of Jamaica. The term, creole, was originally applied to descendents of Europeans born in colonies in order to separate them from high ranking well-to-do citizens of the mainland, either of European or mixed ethnicity and race. Jamaican patois is derived from old English (British, Irish, and Welsh English), Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Tamil, Arawak, and the tribal dialects of numerous West African nations.

While followers of the Rastafarian religion also speak a version of Jamaican patois, the groups' longstanding residency and isolation in the high mountains of Jamaica has created a separately evolved version of the dialect that incorporates terms of the native languages of Ethiopia, Amharic and Ge'ez. The Rastafarian movement initiated by Marcus Garvey follows a combination of Semitic beliefs and the principles and philosophies of Ras Tafari Makonnen who was crowned king of Ethiopia in 1930. It is reported that upon coronation, Makonnen claimed the titles of "Emperor Haile Selassie (Power of the Trinity) I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of God and King of the Kings of Ethiopia."

It must be noted that unless the intent is to fully insult a citizen of the country, Jamaicans do not speak "Rastafari" as this is NOT a language, and should not be used as a general term. Followers of the Rastafarian religion constitute less than 7% of the country's population.

Jamaica prides itself on not mixing politics and religion and does not claim an official religion of the country. Citizens enjoy the freedom of religion in the privacy of their own homes and religious dwellings. The majority of the population is Catholic, followed by Episcopal, Methodist, Baha'i, Seventh Day Adventist, Jewish, Hindi, Islam, and others. A true melting pot.

Jamaican's Speak ' Jamaican Creole ' But Not All People speak it ... && Trust Me They SERIOUSLY dont be saying ' MON ' ! Some people prefer to speak ' Enqlish ' Than Creole / Patois . '!!

English is Jamaica's principal language.


English is the official language. However, locals typically speak Jamaican "Patois" (pronounced "patwah") which is a combination of (mostly) English, along with the African languages Twi and Kwa.

All official business is done in English, and most locals know and speak Patois (very few don't). Less educated Jamaicans know only Patois, but more educated Jamaicans are fluent both in English and Patois. Some upper class Jamaicans will look down on Patois, while others just see it as appropriate in certain arenas, and inappropriate in others, where only or mainly English is appropriate.

Patois has not been standardized, though many are attempting to standardize it, and to have it taught in schools [some primary/ elementary level experimental schools use it now - English is taught in these schools as a second language, and it is easier to learn that way.

The Bible book of Luke is now translated into Patois {audio and print}, and the whole New Testament is being translated now, too]. The words that have been used in print vary in spelling from location to location (e.g. "kyaan" or "kaan" or "cyaan" or "caan" or *kyaah" or "kyaa" are variant spellings for the Patois version of "can't.").

Most Jamaican Patois words are English-based, but words such as "nyam" for "eat" are African-based. The exact accent and the pronunciation of most Patois words vary somewhat from parish to parish across Jamaica (just as different states in the USA have a variation in speech and accent), and experts can usually tell which parish someone is from by the accent (e.g. the Kingston drawl vs the more hurried speech in Western Jamaica).

English is the national language, but when most people think of "Jamaican", they are thinking of the dialect known to Jamaicans as Patois (and to linguists as Jamaican Creole, not to be confused with Haitian Creole). It is heavily based in English thanks to the history of British rule, but has influences from western African languages due to slavery. Although the Spanish ruled the lovely island nation before the British did, it appears their influence remains mostly in the names of cities such as Ocho Rios and Spanish Town.
Jamaica's official language is English.


English, at least the people did when I went there.
Officially English

informally we speak patois
patwa or broken English
Creol is the native language of Jamaica.
According to Jamaica, "While the official language of Jamaica is English, native islanders typically speak in a regional patois, which is a combination of Spanish, English, and assorted African tongues."
jamaicans speak "patois" (patwaw) NOT CREOLE !!
The primary language in Jamaica is English.
English is the official language of Jamaica.

Patois ("pat-wah"), which is a creole combination of the African languages twi and kwa but based on the English language, is generally used in informal speech. But Patois has no official status.
No. Jamaica has only one official language, which is English. It also has a National language, called Jamaican Patois.
jamiacans speak English they have an accent

jamiacans speak English they have an accent
Jamaicans speak mostly English
Jamaican people speak English officially.

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In Barbados, the people speak English as that is the national language. Natives also speak a local dialect called Bajan, however. It is similar to other Creole languages, and is derived from West African and English languages.
in barbados people speak English and french.
Barbados is an English-speaking country.
the bajan people usally speak English
English with a Bajan accent
Spanish and English.
No, they speak English.
We speak Bajan dialect which is like creole. Basically it's just English with a twist to it
English is the official language.
English, though most Barbadians speak a local dialect among themselves.
the second language the speak in Barbados is Spanish.
the official language of Barbados is English.
English is the official language.
English and Barbadian dialect
The main Language is Bajan, which is an English-based creole.

Bajan is also called "Bajan English" and "Barbadian Creole English"
The primary language of Barbados is English.
They speak French
Barbadians usually speak English and few know or are learning other languages
The main language is proper English ("Queen's English") but Spanish is the secondary language.

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6y ago

The main languages of the countries in the Caribbean are:

  1. English
  2. Spanish
  3. French
  4. Dutch
  5. Portuguese
  6. Various Creoles, mainly based on English or French
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6y ago

For the languages of Haiti, click here.For the languages of Jamaica, click here.

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6y ago

The 1 official language of Jamaica is English., spoken by 97.6% of the population as either a first or second language.

The national language is Jamaican Patois, which is more of a dialect of English rather than a separate language. 36% of the population speaks only Jamaican Patois. Another 47% are bilingual in English and Patois.

Contrary to popular opinion, Jamaican Patois is NOT a creole.

The sign languages in Jamaica are:

  1. Jamaican Sign Language
  2. American Sign Language
  3. Jamaican Country Sign Language

The most widely studied foreign language in Jamaica is Spanish.

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6y ago

The 1 official language of Barbados is English, but it is only spoken by a minority of the population.

Most people in Barbados speak Bajan Creole, which is a recognized regional language.

Here is a list of all the languages spoken in Barbados:

  1. English
  2. Bajan Creole English
  3. American Sign Language
  4. Hindi
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6y ago
  1. Jamaica was claimed for Spain, by Christopher Columbus, in 1494. But Spain found the island colony problematic for many reasons, of which one was visits by pirates.
  2. England wanted the island, and finally ended Spanish control in 1655.
  3. Jamaica is still part of the Commonwealth.
  4. Because of successful English colonization, and continued successful economic and political interactions with England, Jamaica easily made the transition from dominant Taino-Arawak language to Spanish to English

The main language of Jamaica is English due to the fact that, after the United Kingdom seized the island from the Spanish, Jamaica was a British colony prior to independence.
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creole are the most popular language in the caribbean

That's just our slang though and you'll find that ever Caribbean country just like ever other country have their own slang. The most spoken language in the Caribbean is English
English, Spanish, Dutch and French.
Jamaica- official language is English, dialect is patois creole,

Barbados- English

Dominica-official language is English, dialect french creole,

St. Lucia- official language is English, dialect is french creole,

St. Vincent and the grenadines- official language is English, dialect is french creole,

Grenada- official language is English ,dialect is french creole,

Trinidad -official language is English, dialects/vernacular are spanish,Chinese,Hindi and french,montserrat- official language is English dialect is English creole,

Guadeloupe- official language is french dialect is creole patois, martinique official- french, dialect- creole patois,

Haiti official- french,cuba,Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic all speak spanish,curacao, bonaire, Aruba and st. maarten all speak dutch Guyana-official -English, dialect/vernacular-bhojputri,Hindi,ordu

Ivory Coast- Offical language is French.

Haiti has two official languages, Kreyol and French.

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The official language is Jamaican Standard English which is used for the government, the legal system, the media, and education. But most people speak English-based creole called Jamaican Patois.

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