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The largest baby born in the State of Illinois according to an old version of the Guinness Book of Records was the heaviest baby ever born vaginally and weighed 29 lbs 4 oz. (29.25 lbs). The birth occurred in the city of Effingham, in Central Illinois in 1939. Due to respiratory problems the baby died two hours later after an otherwise uneventful vaginal delivery.

Precedence for largest size birth in newer versions of the Guinness Book of records later went to other babies and they started citing one that weighed almost 25 pounds at birth and had a head 19 inches in circumference with a shoulder breath of 12 inches. born to a Giantess named Anna Swan Bates. Her husband was also a Giant.

A baby born by vaginal delivery in Sale City, Georgia, was also 25 pounds and was born to a woman of ordinary height. However she had a hip circumference of 50 inches and was not described as obese. The Baby survived after weighing 25 pounds at birth. The baby had a head circumference of 19 inches and a shoulder breadth of 12 inches just like the Bates Newborn did. The doctor thought the shoulders compressed to only a breadth of 2/3 during the delivery.

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Q: What is the record in Chicago for largest newborn baby?
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