Aladdin is not given a last name that is mentioned.
Aladdin Ullah's birth name is Alaudin Ullah.
The formal name for Gypsy is Roma.
Johnny Aladdin's birth name is Alagna, John B..
Aladdin's name as the prince of Abwah is Prince Alee
* Jasmine (from Aladdin) * Jafar (Aladdin)
The antagonists are Jafar and his parrot Iago.
His name was Abu.
Aladdin's servant is named Genie, a magical being who grants Aladdin's wishes throughout the story.
Gypsy Boots's birth name is Robert Bootzin.
Gypsy Norman's birth name is Aedita Stuart.
Aladdin in the movies but My Boyfriend is called George...x