The ZIP code for Gatlinburg, Tennessee is 37738.
Gatlinburg is in eastern Tennessee near the Great Smoky Mountains.
The driving distance from Gatlinburg, Tennessee to Chattanooga, Tennessee is 154 miles via the Winfield Dunn Pkwy to I-75 S per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 2 hours and 44 minutes.
As of 2021, the population of Clarksville, Tennessee, is estimated to be around 160,000 people.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee is about 340 mi. or 547 km from Savannah, Georgia.
About 440.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee
They are in gatlinburg
Gatlinburg, Tennessee is in the Eastern part of TN, and is therefore on Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5). Example: If it is 7:00 pm in London, GMT (0), then the time in Gatlinburg is 2:00 pm.
Gatlinburg is a mountain resort city in Sevier County, Tennessee. It does not have a capital.
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