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rana rajput history

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Q: What is the history of rana rajputs of Punjab?
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Punjab is in a city in Southern Pakistan!!!!

What is the History of tanwar rajput?

yes,tanwar rajputs are authentic rajputs. they have infact played a very main role in Indian history.... delhi,gwaliar and many more places were ruled by tanwar.

What is the caste RANA in haryana?

Rana is a title mainly used by rajputs in Haryana and west up especially north haryana like panchkula,karnal,ambala,etc and himachal and uttarakhand also. Rana community is synonymous with rajput (kshatriya). Around 100 years ago,jaats of haryana who were pastorals started adopting titles of rulimg community of rajputs(both hindu and muslim ranghar) so now they use every rajput title possible in haryana especially. Whereas in rajasthan except singh they dont use any other. Many jats have rajput ancestry too like sinsinwar jats of bharatpur from jadaun rajputs.

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