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A Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language has three entries: s. a native dish of scraped taro or yam with expressed juice of cocoa-nut; v. 1. to be ashamed. 2. To adze smooth, to smooth.

Under fa it says s. 1. the stem of the taro and banana leaf. 2. The name of a fish. -ausi means a. good-looking, of men, bananas, &c. s. 1. the stick on which a fishing-net is hung in a huse. 2. The head fisherman who directs the others, lit. on whom they hang. v. to hang a fishing-net on.

Therefore fa-ausi means fairtaro.

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If it's a guy saying it - it means "bye brother"

If it's a girl saying it - it means "bye sister"

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