My parents had a kaffir lime tree when I was a child in Nueva Ecija and my Mom called it "tibulid" --the fruits are inedible but she used the "juice" and zest for our bath water; the leaves for cooking leche flan. :) It took me a while to remember the name "tibulid" (tee-booleed) Thanks.
The scientific name of Kaffir Lime is Citrus hystrix. It belongs to the Rutaceae family and the Citrus genus.
The Hindi name for Curry leaves is "कढ़ी पत्ता" (Kadhi Patta).
The name of the leaf is the same as the species of lime. You would simply refer to it as the leaves of the [insert lime species name].E.g. the leaves of Citrus hystrix (Kaffir lime)
The Hindi name for dill leaves is "savaa ke patte."
The scientific name of lime leaves is Citrus aurantiifolia.
The scientific name would be Harpephyllum caffrum.
yes, lime is a name. and its a boys name.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Clivia miniata.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Schizostylis coccinea.
The Hindi name for Jehovah is यहोवा (Yahovah).
The Hindi name for avocado is "नाशपाती" (nashpati).