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Q: What is Europe most easterly capital city?
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What is the eu's most easterly capital city?


What is the easternmost capital city of the EU?

Nicosia is the most easterly capital in the European Union, being in Cyprus, which is the most easterly country that is a member of the European Union.

What is the largest capital in Europe?

Moscow is the most populated capital city in Europe.

What is the most easterly country in Europe?

cashin out!(;

What is the most easterly city in nz?

The most easterly city in NZ is Gisborne in the north island with a population of 33,000.

What is The most southernmost capital city in Europe?

The most southernmost capital city in Europe is Nicosia, which is the capital of Cyprus. Cyprus is an island country located in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

What city is most easterly - Philadelphia or Pittsburgh?

Philadelphia is more easterly than Pittsburgh

What is the capital of Czech Repulic?

Capital city of Czech Republic is Prague, the most beautiful city in Europe.

What city is east of England?

There are many cities that are east of England, as you travel across Europe and Asia. The city in England that is most easterly, which may be what you actually meant, is Norwich.

What is the most easterly city in the US?

Eastport, Maine.

This is a country in central Europe The capital is Budapest?

Budapest is the capital and the most populous city of Hungary.

Which city is farther east MAMIAflorida or auausta Maine?

St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada is the most easterly city in North America while Cape Spear is the most easterly point in N.A.There may be a more easterly city in South America but I'm not sure.