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The Australian flag was not hoisted by Captain Cook. There was no country known as Australia then, and at this stage, Cook was a Lieutenant.

Cook hoisted the British flag to show he was claiming the eastern half of the continent for the British Empire. He then returned to England.

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Q: What happened after the Australian flag was hoisted by Captain Cook?
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Is Captain Cook Australian?

No. Captain Cook was from England.

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Botany Bay was indeed the first place where Lieutenant (not yet Captain) James Cook set foot on Australian soil.

Did Captain Cook actually put the Australian flag up?

No. The Australian flag did not exist at the time. Captain James Cook did not raise the British flag on the mainland, but on Possession Island in Torres Strait - claiming the eastern coastline of Australia for Britain.

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No, he was British, although he did explore Australia (which may count as him being an Australian explorer depending on how you read the question).

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Captain Cook was a ships' captain, not a cook.

Captain Cook claims Britain?

James Cook claimed both New Zealand and New South Wales (the eastern coast of the Australian continent) for Britain.

What two lands did captain cook claim for Britain in 1770?

Captain James Cook claimed New South Wales (the eastern coast of the Australian continent) in 1770, but he claimed New Zealand in 1769.

What sound was named by Captain Cook?

Iin Australian waters, James Cook named Thirsty Sound and Broad Sound. In New Zealand, Cook named Queen Charlotte's Sound.