It Means wither Ten for Heaven/Sky
or Invibility/immortal Unclear Yet!
It depends on the kanji, but "se" can mean "world" or "back, spine."
i do not like this kanji very well
There is no single kanji meaning friendship in Japanese.
Yoko means side
It means: "This is if you like Shin Chan"
It means that you're shin has stopped working and or got injured somehow.
well, I'm not sure what do you mean by image but number 12 in kanji would be十二
Toshimasa is a name, and depending on the kanji can mean many things.
Leg; shin.
Kurosaki Ichigo's father's name is written with this kanji :一心, in which sense 'isshin' means commitment, being wholehearted, determination. (一 : kanji for one) (心 : kanji for heart, spirit).
Depending on the kanji, it can mean: technique, act, performance, deed.